Saturday, August 9, 2008

Epsons Continued...

Just a little follow-up from last weeks blog. We are having success refilling the Epson T068, T069, and T078 series cartridges when they are brought in before the exclamation point shows up on the ink level screen. If the ink level gets to the point of showing an 'X' - we have had zero successful refills. So exclamation points are iffy, but anytime before that pops up they have worked well. If you have a food scale at home you can also weigh the cartridge. If it weighs less than 22.5 grams it usually is unrefillable. If it weighs above that - you are good to go. We can also weigh those for you in the store and we do have OEM's available if they will not work. Special thanks to Jon Sybenga the past couple of weeks in helping us get these cartridges figured out. Jon is a summer Valley resident and is heading back to Sun City this weekend - we'll see you next year, Jon!